Florida SBDC at UCF Opened Its Sumter County Office to Assist Local Small Businesses
The Florida SBDC at University of Central Florida (FSBDC at UCF), in partnership with the Sumter County Office of Economic Development, opened a sub-center in Sumter County to help local businesses grow and succeed. The new office is located on the first floor in Suite 140 of The Villages Sumter County Service Center at 7375 Powell Road, Wildwood, FL 34785. For more information about the services offered, please call 352-689-4449.
In addition, the FSBDC at UCF announced that Neal Kimball has been named Area Manager for Sumter County and will be devoted full time to working with Sumter County’s small businesses providing expert consulting, seminars and workshops, as well as information resources – all focused on maximizing their business growth, competitiveness and profitability.
The Florida SBDC at UCF offers no cost, one-on-one professional business consulting, value-added training and business information resources to its clients. The FSBDC’s consultants provide confidential and customized consulting services in such areas as business planning, financial analysis, sales/marketing and many others. In addition, it conducts training seminars and workshops covering the basics of starting a business, marketing, financing, legal issues and writing a business plan. Additional courses covering intellectual property, bookkeeping, social media and website development are offered periodically. Over time, some or all of these may be offered in Sumter County, depending upon the needs of the business community.
“Sumter County is pleased to add the Florida SBDC at UCF and their consultant Neal Kimball to the county’s economic development initiatives. We will now have a dedicated resource to assist our small businesses with consulting, training and access to market research that can help them find new levels of success in our community,” commented Bradley Arnold, Sumter County Administrator.