Weather Averages
Month | Avg High | Avg Low |
Summer | 91 °F | 73 °F |
Winter | 68 °F | 46 °F |
Beautiful Climate
Clean air, clear water, lush landscapes, open pastoral areas, and abundant wildlife are the heritage and legacy of Sumter County. Compelling recreational and cultural assets like lakeside amenities augment the plentiful natural features of the county, making for an even more compelling quality of life.
Sumter County adopted a vision that balances the desire of residents to improve the quality, quantity, and wage scale of new jobs while protecting the exceptional land and water environments that make this county unique and special to those who live here, and to those bringing new businesses.
Daily maximum temperatures average 81° F in the summer and 58° F in the winter. Temperature extremes of over 100° F or under 20° F are rare.
The average annual precipitation in Sumter County is about 50 inches, most of which occurs in the June-October rainy season.